In Financial Institution Letters 28-2018 and 29-2018, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) highlights the following:
- A federal disaster for selected areas in Indiana was declared on May 4, 2018. Additional designations may be made after damage assessments are completed in the affected areas.
- A federal disaster for selected areas in North Carolina was declared on May 8, 2018. Additional designations may be made after damage assessments are completed in the affected areas.
- A current list of designated areas is available at www.fema.gov.
- The FDIC is encouraging banks to work constructively with borrowers experiencing difficulties beyond their control because of damage caused by the severe weather.
- Extending repayment terms, restructuring existing loans, or easing terms for new loans, if done in a manner consistent with sound banking practices, can contribute to the health of the local community and serve the long-term interests of the lending institution.
- Banks may receive favorable Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) consideration for community development loans, investments, and services in support of disaster recovery.
- The FDIC also will consider regulatory relief from certain filing and publishing requirements.
FDIC FIL 28-2018 (Indiana)
FDIC FIL 29-2018 (North Carolina)