Federal banking and credit union regulators have developed hurricane information and resource pages on their websites for both the institutions they supervise, and the customers and members of those institutions – just as the first big hurricane of the 2018 season bears down on the eastern U.S.
Postings by the agencies include:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC): Offers “Hurricane Florence Information for Consumers and Bankers in the Affected Areas.” This includes FDIC information for banks (including lessons learned from past storms, such as Hurricane Katrina, and preparing the bank for a catastrophe); information for consumers (urges consumers to reach out to and work with their financial institutions, as well as articles and pamphlets for consumers to review), and other resources and links
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC): Hosts a “major disaster news center,” with a repository of disaster-related information for national banks and federal savings associations, their customers, and other regulatory agencies.
National Credit Union Administration (NCUA): Offers a ”Hurricane and Disaster Information” page, which includes warnings for consumers of email phishing scams during and following disasters, and other links.
Federal Reserve Board: Hosts a “Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Resources” page on its website, providing information on cash services, contaminated cash and supervisory practices regarding banking organizations and their borrowers and other customers affected by a major disaster or emergency.
All three agencies indicate they are working cooperatively with all of the state, territory, and federal banking and credit union regulatory agencies and other organizations to determine the status of financial institutions located in the affected areas.