The receiverships are for Allied Bank, Mulberry, Ark., closed in September 2016; Farmers’ & Traders’ State Bank, Shabbona, Ill., closed in June 2012; Century Security Bank, Duluth, Ga., closed in March 2010; and The Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Argonia, Argonia, Kan., closed in October 2017.
The agency says it will accept comments on the planned terminations no later than 30 days after the date of the notices.
As of Sept. 30, the FDIC’s “Transparency and Accountability” web postings show 282 receiverships ongoing by the agency, with 56 terminated to date.
Notice to All Interested Parties of Intent to Terminate Receivership – Allied Bank
Notice to All Interested Parties of Intent to Terminate Receiverships – Farmers’ & Traders’ State Bank, Century Security Bank, The Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Argonia