In a release, the agency said the publication – the Financial Stability Report – will present the Fed Board’s view of the outlook for financial stability. Among the key indicators the report will track include: asset valuations, borrowing by businesses and households, leverage in the financial sector, and funding risks.
According to the release, the report is intended to “help the public and market participants understand and evaluate the Board’s assessment of financial stability conditions.”
One thing the report will not contain, the Fed said, are policy matters such as the annual determination of whether to activate the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB). The Fed Board plans to conduct its annual review of the CCyB in January, according to the release.
The report will be, the Fed said, similar to those reports published by other central banks and will complement the annual report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), which is chaired by Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin and counts among its members Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome H. (“Jay”) Powell and principals of other federal financial regulatory agencies.
Look for future issues of the report (after Nov. 28) to be published in the spring and fall, the Fed said.