The panels – the Consumer Advisory Board (CAB), the Community Bank Advisory Council (CUAC), and the Credit Union Advisory Council (CUAC) – advise the director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP), on its statutory functions. The three panels will hold their conference call from about 1 to 3:45 p.m. ET. The call is open to the public, but registration is required by Dec. 5 by providing an RSVP by noon Dec. 5 via the following link: https://consumer-financial-protection-bureau.forms.fm/bcfp-advisory-board-and-councils-december-conference-call.
The bureau advisory panels will also accept written comments if they are provided at least seven days prior to the meeting; send comments by email to CFPB_CABandCouncilsEvents@cfpb.gov.
A separate meeting notice for each panel is slated to appear in the Federal Register Wednesday. The full agenda also will be on the bureau’s website Wednesday.