The revised and updated booklets replace the same-named booklets issued in 2016 and 2015 and rescind three previous bulletins: OCC Bulletin 2016-42, “Bank Premises and Equipment: Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet and Rescissions”; OCC Bulletin 2016-44, “Consigned Items and Other Customer Services: Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet”; and OCC Bulletin 2015-4, “Litigation and Other Legal Matters: Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet.”
According to the bulletin, the revised “Bank Premises and Equipment” and “Litigation and Other Legal Matters” booklets apply to the OCC’s supervision of all national banks, federal savings associations, and federal branches and agencies. The “Consigned Items and Other Customer Services” booklet applies to all banks that offer consigned items and other customer services.