Only a closed meeting is scheduled next week for the board of the federal regulator of credit unions, the first time in about three years that the regulator has not held a scheduled open meeting.
In releasing its agenda Thursday for its monthly meeting next March 19, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) showed it would only be holding a closed meeting, for its monthly gathering, to consider supervisory and personnel matters. No open (public) meeting has been scheduled, according to the agency’s website.
Typically, the board schedules a monthly open meeting, and considers (at the least) a board briefing on key topics within the industry. Also typically, the board only skips one month a year (usually August) for an open meeting.
Not including August exemptions, the board has held an open meeting each month since April 2017, after cancelling its March meeting that year. That streak of 33 scheduled open meetings ends next week, apparently, according to the agency’s meeting schedule on the website.
By contrast, the FDIC Board has scheduled an open meeting next Tuesday – but no audience will be allowed, due to concerns about coronavirus concerns. The meeting will be public, however: it will be streamed live, via the Internet (as are all open meetings of the bank deposit insurer’s board).