You can get more now: Using map visualizations, complaints can be displayed state-by-state, including over date ranges and by types of products or issues being complained about, the federal consumer financial protection agency said Monday.
According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the geospatial view of its Consumer Complaint Database now allows users to:
- Select from set of pre-defined time frames (e.g., 3 years) to help users understand more recent marketplace conditions;
- Map complaints per 1,000 population or total complaints by state;
- View aggregate information about products and issues consumers submit complaints about;
- Apply word searches and filters to update the interactive map.

The bureau said the interactive map features and other enhancements to the complaint database were announced last September. Those included integration of financial information and resources into the complaint process, which the bureau said would “help address questions and better inform consumers before they submit a complaint, as well as modification of disclaimers to provide better context to the published data.”
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adds Enhancements to Consumer Complaint Database