Joint Ownership Share Accounts

Title: Joint Ownership Share Accounts
Subject: Joint accounts; share insurance
Agency: NCUA
Status: Final rule

The NCUA Board (Board) is amending its share insurance regulation governing the requirements for a share account to be separately insured as a joint account by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Specifically, the final rule provides an alternative method to satisfy the membership card or account signature card requirement necessary for insurance coverage (signature card requirement). Under the final rule, even if an insured credit union cannot produce membership cards or account signature cards signed by the joint accountholders, the signature card requirement can be satisfied by information contained in the account records of the insured credit union establishing co-ownership of the share account. For example, the signature card requirement can be satisfied by the credit union having issued a mechanism for accessing the account, such as a debit card, to each co-owner or evidence of usage of the joint share account by each co-owner.

FR Doc: 2021-03671
Date proposed: May 21, 2020
Comments due date: July 6, 2020
Effective date:

March 26, 2021

Rule compliance date:
Agency release:

Related Reg Report item(s):

Agency proposes alternative to signature card for joint ownership accounts