National bank regulator schedules five director workshops for second half of year

Five workshops for national bank and federal savings association directors for the second half of the year were announced Wednesday by their federal regulator and will cover various risks for banks and “keys to success” for their institutions.

According to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), subject areas for the workshops (costing $99 each to attend) are:

  • Building Blocks: Keys to Success for Directors and Senior Management
  • Risk Governance: Improving Director Effectiveness
  • Compliance Risk: What Directors Need to Know
  • Credit Risk: Directors Can Make a Difference
  • Operational Risk: Navigating Rapid Changes

Senior management and other key executives of national community banks and federal savings associations supervised by the agency are also eligible to attend the “Building Blocks” workshop, the agency said. However, workshops are limited to 35 participants. Attendees will receive course materials, supervisory publications, and lunch, according to the OCC.

OCC Announces Workshops for Directors of National Community Banks and Federal Savings Associations