No-Action Letter Process

Title: No-Action Letter Process
Subject: BSA/AML/CFT
Agency: FinCEN
Advance notice of proposed rulemaking

FinCEN is issuing this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) to solicit public comment on questions relating to the implementation of a no-action letter process at FinCEN. Given that the addition of a no-action letter process at FinCEN may affect or overlap with other forms of regulatory guidance and relief that FinCEN already offers, including administrative rulings and exceptive or exemptive relief, this ANPRM, among other things, seeks public input on whether a no-action letter process should be implemented and, if so, how the no-action letter process should interact with those other forms of relief.

FR Doc: 2022-12048
Date proposed: June 3, 2022
Comments due date: Aug. 5, 2022
Effective date:

Rule compliance date:
Agency release:
Related Reg Report item(s):

No-action letter process contemplated by Treasury’s financial crimes enforcement unit