Authority To Require Supervision and Regulation of Certain Nonbank Financial Companies



Authority To Require Supervision and Regulation of Certain Nonbank Financial Companies

Subject: Nonbank supervision
Agency: FSOC
Notification of proposed interpretive guidance; request for public comment

This proposed interpretive guidance, which would replace the Financial Stability Oversight Council’s (FSOC) existing interpretive guidance on nonbank financial company determinations, describes the process the Council intends to take in determining whether to subject a nonbank financial company to supervision and prudential standards by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

FR Doc: 2023-08964; 2023-13648 (comment period extension)
Date proposed: April 21, 2023
Comments due date: July 27, 2023
Effective date:

Rule compliance date:
Agency release:
Related Reg Report item(s):

Proposals would reset how nonbank financial firms are designated as risks to financial stability