Panel created by FDIC Board to review sexual harassment allegations terminated

The special committee established last year to conduct an independent review of allegations of sexual harassment and other misconduct at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) was terminated Thursday, the agency announced in a release.

The FDIC Board said it terminated the committee effective May 30. “Going forward, any inquiries and other matters relating to the recently completed independent review will be handled by the FDIC’s staff,” the agency said.

It said any allegations of harassment should be directed to, the agency said. It also noted that the FDIC OIG also maintains a Hotline through which individuals may report suspected fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement related to the programs and operations of the FDIC.

The committee’s work is concluded, but on May 24, the FDIC Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a “management advisory” that stated a “special inquiry” into the FDIC’s workplace culture was underway, focusing on “harassment and related misconduct.” It said the advisory was intended to inform FDIC Board Chairman Martin Gruenberg of “concerns the OIG has identified during the course of the special inquiry that we believe require your immediate attention.”

FDIC Board Winds Down the Special Committee