National bank regulator seeks nominations to MDI, mutual institutions panels

The national bank regulator on Tuesday released a notice seeking nominations to its advisory committees on minority depository institution (MDI) and mutual savings association issues and concerns.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), in separate releases, said it has renewed the charter of its MDI Advisory Committee (MDIAC) as well as its Mutual Savings Association Advisory Committee (MSAAC) for two years dating from June 20. It simultaneously announced a call for nominations of individuals to be considered for membership on the panels.

“The MSAAC and the MDIAC assist the OCC in assessing the needs and challenges facing mutual savings associations and minority depository institutions, respectively,” according to a notice expected to be published in the Federal Register. It said the agency is seeking nominations as follows:

  • for the MSAAC, individuals who are officers and/or directors of federal mutual savings associations, or officers and/or directors of federal stock savings associations that are part of a mutual holding company structure; and
  • for the MDIAC, individuals who are officers and/or directors of OCC-regulated minority depository institutions, or officers and/or directors of other OCC-regulated depository institutions with a commitment to supporting minority depository institutions.

The notice states that existing MSAAC or MDIAC members may reapply themselves or may be renominated. “The OCC will use
this nomination process to achieve a balanced advisory committee membership and ensure that diverse views are represented among the membership of officers and directors of mutual and minority institutions,” it states.

Nominations will be accepted for 45 days following publication of the Register notice, it said.

OCC Renews Minority Depository Institutions Advisory Committee, Seeks Nominations

OCC’s Renews Mutual Savings Association Advisory Committee Charter, Seeks Nominations