OCC: 6 banks rated ‘outstanding,’ 1 ‘substantial noncompliance’ under anti-redlining statute

Six banks whose Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) evaluation ratings were made public in July were deemed “outstanding,” and one received the rating of “substantial noncompliance,” the national bank regulator said Thursday.

The remaining banks on the list of 27 released Thursday included 20 rated “satisfactory” under the federal anti-redlining law, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) said.

The OCC said its list included only national banks, federal savings associations, and insured federal branches of foreign banks that have received ratings. The possible ratings are outstanding, satisfactory, needs to improve, and substantial noncompliance. None of the banks noted Thursday received the rating of “needs to improve.”

The “substantial noncompliance” rating was assigned to The Lemont National Bank of Lemont, Ill. The six banks rated “outstanding” included:

  • Queensborough National Bank & Trust Company, Louisville, Ga.;
  • Sterling Federal Bank, F.S.B., Sterling, Ill.;
  • Eastern Savings Bank, FSB, Hunt Valley, Md.;
  • Home Savings and Loan Association of Carroll County, F.A., Norborne, Mo.;
  • Black Hills Community Bank, National Association, Rapid City, S.D.; and
  • First National Bank, Fort Pierre, S.D.

OCC Releases CRA Evaluations for 27 National Banks and Federal Savings Associations