National bank regulator names CFO, who moves over from FDIC

Mark Thomas will oversee the planning and execution of the national bank regulator’s annual operating budget and supervise its financial systems and internal and financial controls program, among other things, as the new chief financial officer, the agency said Friday.

Thomas’ title will be principal deputy comptroller for management and chief financial officer.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) said Thomas most recently worked at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), working in acquisition management and administering financial quality assurance. The agency said he has 20 years of federal service in financial management operations and accounting, overseeing budgetary processes, government contracting, and internal controls. Thomas also worked for nine years before that in the private sector, the OCC said.

Thomas holds a BS in marketing from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and holds an MBA from the University of Maryland University College.

Mark Thomas Named Chief Financial Officer