Cybersecurity assessment tool (CAT) to be retired next year after decade of service

A voluntary cybersecurity assessment tool will “sunset” in about one year after 10 years of use, the umbrella group for federal financial institution regulators said Thursday.

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) said it would sunset the Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CAT) on Aug. 31, 2025. The tool, unveiled in 2015, was developed to help financial institutions “identify their risks and determine their cybersecurity preparedness,” the FFIEC said in a statement.

“While the fundamental security controls addressed throughout the maturity levels of the CAT are sound, several new and updated government and industry resources are available that financial institutions can leverage to better manage cybersecurity risks,” the agency added.

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) issued a statement later in the day noting that its tool for credit unions, the Automated Cybersecurity Examination Tool (ACET), will continue to be supported and remain available for use by credit unions following the sunset of the CAT.

Cybersecurity: FFIEC Cybersecurity Assessment Tool Sunset Statement

ACET and Other Assessment Tools

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