A budget of $433 million in 2025 – up 12.2% from the current year’s spending plan – is proposed in a draft posted by the federal credit union regulator on its website Wednesday.
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) said it is taking comments on the budget until Nov. 27 – and that it will host a public budget briefing on Nov. 22.
The proposed budget is $89 million more (about 26% greater) than that proposed by the agency for its 2020 budget, five years ago.
In a release, the agency said the total budget is made up of three parts: the operating budget (the largest, at $419.3 million), the capital budget (at $8.2 million), and the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) administrative fund (at $5.5 million).
The operating budget would increase by 12% from 2024, the agency said. It covers employee pay and benefit, contracted services and other such areas.
The capital portion would be an increase of 32.6%, which NCUA said funds its “ongoing effort to modernize its IT infrastructure and applications.”
The NCUSIF operating fund would grow by 7%.
Agency Accepting Comments and Budget Briefing Presentation Requests