A combined meeting Feb. 12 of the agency’s credit union and community bank advisory panels and a meeting Feb. 10 of its consumer advisory panel will both address consumer account access and “debanking concerns,” the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said in recent notices.
On its website and in Federal Register notices published Monday, the bureau said its Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) will meet from about 1-3 p.m. Eastern Feb. 10; while the Community Bank Advisory Council (CBAC) and Credit Union Advisory Council (CUAC) will hold their combined “winter public meeting” from about 1-3 p.m. Eastern on Feb. 12.
The meeting notices show both the CBAC/CUAC and CAB meetings will address “broad policy matters related to the Bureau’s Unified Regulatory Agenda and general scope of authority.” The agency’s website shows the meetings include two session topics:
- 1-2 p.m., Consumer Account Access
- 2-3 p.m., Debanking Concerns
The CBAC and CUAC were chartered to advise the CFPB in the exercise of its functions under the federal consumer financial laws as they pertain to community banks and credit unions, respectively, that have total assets of $10 billion or less. CAB’s purpose, briefly, is to advise the bureau on its functions under federal consumer financial laws and provide information on industry trends and concerns.
The agency said the Feb. 10 and 12 meetings will be held virtually via WebEx and livestreamed in a listen-only capacity. It said those who wish to join the meetings must RSVP. RSVP here for the CBAC/CUAC meeting; RSVP here for the CAB meeting.