Credit union worker prohibited after conviction in state court for embezzlement, forgery

A former Michigan credit union worker – convicted last fall of embezzlement and forgery – has been served with a notice of prohibition by the federal regulator, the agency said Friday.

It was the only such order issued by the agency in January.

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) said Shana M. Ware, a former employee of Genisys Credit Union in Auburn Hills, Mich., was convicted in state court. The conviction, the agency noted, was the result of her misconduct (forgery and embezzlement) at Genisys Credit Union.

NCUA noted that a prohibition order prohibits a party from ever working for a federally insured depository institution, including a credit union, bank or federal savings institution.

25-0010-ER: Administrative Order: In the Matter of Shana M. Ware