$39.5 million awarded to 56 CUs for community development

September 21, 2017 0

Awards totaling $39.5 million will be awarded to 56 federally insured credit unions from the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund, with nearly half (27) of the credit unions being first-time awardees, NCUA announced Thursday. According […]


Board to decide on merging funds, distributions

September 21, 2017 0

Adoption of a final rule to merge the federal credit union savings insurance fund with a fund set up to stabilize “corporate” credit unions in the wake of the financial crisis will be considered by […]


GRAPHIC: FCU charters issued; 1983-2017

September 19, 2017 0

Infographic shows, in five-year blocks, the number of charters issued by the NCUA, 1983-2017; two formats offered: PNG and JPG JPG version (258kb; 905×897) PNG version (119kb; 543×534)


House removes NCUA from budget oversight proposal

September 13, 2017 0

The House approved a spending plan Thursday that no longer includes a provision rolling the NCUA budget under the congressional appropriations process. On Wednesday, lawmakers approved an amendment to the 2018 Department of the Interior, Environment, […]


Letter to CUs outlines new HMDA exam testing guidelines

September 13, 2017 0

New examiner transaction testing guidelines for Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data go into effect Jan. 1, with fewer credit unions required to correct and resubmit their HMDA Loan Application Registers (LARs), NCUA points out […]


Agency sets Oct. 18 for public budget briefing

September 12, 2017 0

Following the Oct. 2 release of its 2018-19 proposed budget, NCUA plans for an Oct. 18 public briefing on its spending plan, with an aim of “budget transparency” according to Board Chairman J. Mark McWatters. […]

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