Agencies update CECL ‘frequently asked questions’

September 6, 2017 0

The new “current expected credit loss” (CECL) accounting standard is addressed in updated “frequently asked questions” (FAQs) issued by federal financial institution regulatory agencies, focusing on the methodology for estimating credit loss allowances and related […]

The Fed

Fed wants to continue pre-paid card usage surveys

September 6, 2017 0

Surveys about usage of pre-paid card usage would be continued under a proposal by the Federal Reserve, to be published Thursday. Under the proposal, both the mandatory and voluntary versions of the “Government-Administered, General-Use Prepaid […]

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Federal financial regulation

Banking agencies propose extending capital rule transitions

August 22, 2017 0

Extending existing transitional capital treatment for certain capital deductions and risk weights for banking organizations that are not subject to federal banking agencies’ advanced approaches capital rules was proposed today by the FDIC, OCC and […]

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