Federal financial regulation

Fed chair points to appraisal, capital proposals as made with smaller banks in mind
Proposals and actions on recent regulation – including those to ease appraisal standards in commercial lending, and simplify requirements in the regulatory capital rule – were made with an “abiding commitment to consider how our […]

Banks grow branch deposits while cutting back on branches
The top five states increasing deposits over the last year from branches within their states amassed more than $277 billion more in deposits, according to the annual survey of branch office deposits (SOD) for all […]

Rule, proposal aim to improve communications with troubled mortgage borrowers
Mortgage servicers would receive 10 more days to tell borrowers facing foreclosure — who have requested a cease in communication under federal debt collection law — about their options in preventing the foreclosure, under an […]

Revised opinion: no prohibition on bond covering CU service organizations
In a change of opinion, NCUA’s general counsel has decided the “individual policy” requirement of credit union fidelity bonds does not prohibit a credit union from having a bond also covering its credit union service […]

Survey results detail nearly $11.8 trillion in bank deposits
Deposit totals of about $11.8 trillion for more than 89,000 bank offices in the states is outlined in the annual survey of branch office deposits (SOD) for all Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC)-insured institutions, released […]

In final notice, agency leaves door ajar for changes to ‘normal operating level’
The “normal operating level” of reserves for the fund that protects savings in credit unions will be reviewed “periodically” by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board, with action on revising the level taken only […]

Yellen uses AIG downsizing as goad to others to ‘reduce systemic footprint’
The “de-designation” of once-giant insurance company American Insurance Group (AIG) as a systemic nonbank financial company should be incentive for other firms still designated as such to reduce their impact on the financial system, the […]

Slight edge in comments filed posted by appraisers over banks about proposed rule changes
A proposal on real estate appraisals by the three federal banking authorities has led to a commentary showdown between the banking and appraisal industries – with the former supporting the proposal, and the latter opposing […]

‘Emergency merger’ proposal draws three comments
Three comments – all from credit unions – were filed on a proposal to redefine the phrase of “in danger of insolvency ” for purposes of an emergency merger, issued by the National Credit Union […]