Letter offers more details on ‘T+3’ proposal

September 19, 2017 0

A letter alerting Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC)-supervised financial institutions to a proposal that would shorten the standard settlement cycle from three to two days for securities purchased or sold has been issued by the […]


GRAPHIC: FCU charters issued; 1983-2017

September 19, 2017 0

Infographic shows, in five-year blocks, the number of charters issued by the NCUA, 1983-2017; two formats offered: PNG and JPG JPG version (258kb; 905×897) PNG version (119kb; 543×534)

Federal financial regulation

THIS WEEK: ‘Volcker rule’ revision comments due

September 18, 2017 0

The deadline on the Comptroller’s request for comments about revising the “Volcker Rule” on Wednesday is among the top items on the schedule for the week ahead. Also this week: Federal Reserve Board Chairman Janet […]

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