Quarles confirmed to 14-year term on Fed Board
The Senate, Tuesday on a vote of 66-33, confirmed Randal Quarles to a full, 14-year term as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This term lasts through Jan. 31, […]
The Senate, Tuesday on a vote of 66-33, confirmed Randal Quarles to a full, 14-year term as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This term lasts through Jan. 31, […]
A new law intended to provide regulatory relief to banks and some other financial institutions, as well as the stable of new regulators now in place to implement that law, received a thumb’s up from […]
The head of the nation’s central bank testified Tuesday on monetary policy and faced questions from lawmakers over bank stress testing – which the agency chairman said remains an important supervisory tool – and implementation […]
Revised versions of all three call reports, which took effect June 30 and include changes made by recently enacted regulatory relief legislation, must be submitted by July 30, a Financial Institution Letter (FIL) from the […]
More than 5,000 credit unions across the country will begin receiving statements this week from their federal regulator outlining their share of a nearly $736 million payout of funds left over in a now-closed program […]
The House, on Tuesday voting 406-4, passed a broad, bipartisan capital-formation measure that would also reduce the frequency of banking company resolution plans (living wills), provide a safe harbor for financial institutions keeping some suspicious […]
The final of 12 “requests for information” (RFI) from the federal consumer financial protection agency generated 792 comments as of midnight Monday, contributing to a grand total of more than 88,000 comments submitted on the […]
A proposed rule giving many banks relief from the “Volcker Rule” – created in 2013 to prohibit proprietary trading by banking organizations – will finally be published Tuesday in the Federal Register, and open to […]
Randal Quarles’ 14-year tenure on the Federal Reserve Board is poised to become reality as the Senate gets ready to vote on confirmation this week on his nomination by President Donald Trump, made last year. […]
A hearing on a high-profile nomination and testimony (twice) from the leader of the nation’s central bank are among the highlights of this week’s activities affecting federal financial institution regulation. The nomination of Kathleen “Kathy” […]
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